Rattan Advocates

Online Consulation

Legal services now on your fingertips

In the present times where the Indian judiciary has extended their full support to all the law abiding citizens of the country thru its dynamic verdicts and a true show of its unbiased character in the bleakest of the scenario. We now present an online platform which provides a seamless initiation, safeguarding and invoking of one’s rights and privileges which you are legally entitled under the constitution of India.

Legal Notice

This is a formal written communication which helps the sender to activate his/her cause and action prescribed under the constitution of India and also makes the recipient party aware of the grievances of the sender party.


it is an action under the law whereby the applicant seeks enforcement or rights or claims and/or discharge of the obligations cast on the opposite side towards the applicant.

Registration under Tax Laws

Registration of the an assesses or a ‘ taxable person ‘ is the starting point in any tax law. It is the process of recording a document with an assigned officer for the identification of the business for tax purpose. (VAT, GST)

VAT & GST Returns

VAT or GST return is a form which a registered or ‘taxable person’ is supposed to submit to the GST department of India.

Case Analysis

It is an exclusive skill and analytical based report which is delivered to you after thrashing all the angles under the law for your particular case and thus states the current scenario and status of your case on merits under the existing laws of India.

Consultation Session

It is the IT technology put in use for resolving legal problems of the citizens of India thru an interactive video/ audio conferencing which is carried out by our in house team of enthusiastic lawyers.

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